Friday, February 17, 2006


i'm a very impatient person. we'll kinda :)....sometimes i want to get the answer from God when He is telling me to wait a while coz it's not yet time.......
for those who are close to malvin and me, they know our problem and it's a very big burden to carry. since the first few months we've been together, we've been lifting up our "problem" to the Lord. thankfully, somehow, slowly, the Lord is making a way for making things possible :)
a few months ago, i was reading this book titled " Well, did you get what you prayed for?" by nancy jo sullivan and jane kise. on page 20, there is a short story by evelyn d. hamann titled "one circle at a time". This is a story of evelyn, after having 2 sons, she and her husband wants to have another child but instead she had 2 miscarriages. this was very depressing for her. after sometime, she found out she was pregnant and was full of fear that she might have another miscarriage again because the doctor told her, her hormone levels were low.
while attending a worship service, one of the woman of the group began talking about the children of Jericho. "God commanded the people of Israel to march around the wall of Jericho once a day for six days. on the seventh day, they were to do it seven times in total silence. Jericho was a large city, and their march would have taken them the better part of a day. they had plenty of time to think as they walked. Perhaps they thought about how much this command didn't make sense. but they knew God, they trusted Him, and they obeyed and walked it one circle at a time." she prayed that the Lord help her to take one circle at a time. for her to trust the Lord that everything would be ok.
the next morning, she found out from the doctor that her condition improved. she said to herself "does this mean Lord that i get to keep this child?" one circle at a time. "okay Lord, I can do that."
the next few days she continued her morning with prayer and saying to the Lord, " yes Lord, i can do it. One circle at a time." but for some reason, God has another plan for her and the baby. she lost the baby again but somehow, its not as hard for her. it's been several years since that miscarriage but she haven't forgotten its lessons. "God knows what tomorrow hold. And daily prayer can helps us trust Him "one circle at a time".
this story really helped me a lot for this past few months. whenever i get impatient with things i say to myself, "one circle at a time, one day at a time". it's like you just have to take things as it comes. dont dwell on the past and stop thinking too far on your future. trust that the Lord has your hand and He wont let anything happen to you. you are His child and as a Father, He will give everything that will be good for you. He knows when the right time is, so be patient and trust Him. talk to Him everyday....he always listens....

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